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I’ve been doing technical SEO work on Showit websites for many years.
Caledoni was born out of the necessity to have a Showit test site where I could learn more about Showit design, and test out various set-ups for multilingual sites on the Showit platform.
I launched my wedding photography business and had no idea about websites. I created a blogger blog and started writing.
Started learning SEO.
Started helping other photographers with SEO
I joined a US-based SEO agency, and this is where I initially discovered the Showit platform.
I love the flexibility of the drag and drop designs and really enjoy working on Showit websites.
Often they can be very beautiful but messy from an SEO perspective ‘out of the box’ and can require quite a bit of SEO work.
When I set up my own agency back in January 2019, I knew I wanted to create a Showit SEO course, but I also wanted to build my own Showit website from scratch and really have the opportunity to get even more familiar with the platform.
Over the last year or so, more and more clients have asked about me optimising their Showit websites where multiple languages are used, and whilst I have experience of SEO on WordPress multilingual websites, this is not something I have done before on the Showit platform.
Caledoni is a live project where I will be building a Showit website, creating tutorials on Showit SEO for the community (Yes! Access is completely free!) and experimenting with a multi-lingual set up to create a Showit website site that ranks in multiple languages.
I’d love to design and build my own Showit website from scratch in future. The opportunity to be able to be creative without the limitations of traditional website builders is what I love about Showit.
For now, I’ll be starting off with a design from a talented Showit designer, and the focus for 2021 will be on creating tutorial content for the Showit community.